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  • 2025/01/13 【碩士論文口試】許博堯 Po-Yao Syu『利用高速影像與粒子圖像測速技術研究螺旋線圈陣列表面的池沸騰熱傳現象』

  • 2025/01/16 【碩士論文口試】楊鎮維 Zhen-Wei Yang『溝槽寬度對混合溝槽圓銅管冷凝熱傳影響』

  • 2025/01/16 【碩士論文口試】陳柏霖 Bo-Lin Chen『應用多孔複合泡沫銅通道結構以增強池沸騰熱傳』


  1. 賀! 學生黃亮瑜榮獲「CSME 2024 中國機械工程學會 學生論文競賽 佳作」。

  2. 賀! 學生黃宇廷榮獲「CSME 2024 中國機械工程學會 學生論文競賽 佳作」。

  3. 羅景文老師指導大學部專題生10月24日參加 萬潤2024創新創意競賽獲得佳作,題目: 冷凝器效能提升,專題生: 羅皓群、王榆凱

  4. 賀! 學生楊子震於113年榮獲「第九屆台灣機電工程國際學會」論文競賽最佳論文獎。

  5. 學生王晨光於112年榮獲「第九屆微奈米尺度熱傳及能源國際工作坊」海報競賽佳作獎。

  6. 羅景文老師獲國立中興大學112年度優良勞作教育導師。

  7. 羅景文老師指導大學部專題生參加 2023 TCN創客松競賽榮獲創客潛力獎,題目: 自動啤酒泡沫機,專題生: 黃英隼、林廷威、陳昱翰

​Tech news

  1. Congrats! The paper titled "Sustained Condensation Efficiency on 3D Hybrid Surfaces" has been published by Small Structures (SCI IF 13.9) as of October 2024.

  2. 恭喜 ! 中興機械羅景文老師與台大機械呂明璋老師之團隊共同合作發表在Small之研究「在高溫疏水表面上降低液滴接觸時間」被Wiley旗下材料科學類期刊官方平台報導。點我讀文章報導

  3. Congrats! The paper "Reducing Contact Time of Droplets Impacting Superheated Hydrophobic Surfaces" by Chung-Te Huang, Ching-Wen Lo, and Ming-Chang Lu has been published by Small !  (2022 SCI IF: 15.153)

  4. Congrats! our recent article in the upcoming issue of Small has been selected to be featured on a frontispiece in the issue.

Welcome to PCHT

The Phase Change Heat Transfer Laboratory (PCHT Lab) is a dedicated research facility focused on investigating liquid-vapor phase change heat transfer and transport phenomena at interface. Our primary research areas revolve around condensation and boiling fundamental aspects of heat transfer. The PCHT Lab is committed to contributing solutions to energy and thermal management challenges through innovative research and experimentation. Our studies help improve equipment performance, enhance energy efficiency, and promote environmentally friendly practices, leading to breakthroughs in modern technology and industrial fields.

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